Archive for the 'Asides' Category
Here’s a link, just in case there was any question about it. w00t! (7)
I’m not dead yet — just haven’t been inspired to write as of late. In the mean time, here’s an interesting game that’s probably unlike almost any game you’ve played before, save Myst/Riven. (1)
I finally received my passport today! Ooh, official documents… It feels like money, and it sure was worth a fair amount of it. For those of you who’ve travelled some, how long does it take a to fill up a page with entry and exit stamps? Do some countries only stamp on certain pages? (3)
Thanks to Blair Robinson for this cool site. It seems to be the web presence of a comp sci student at Waterloo, and that page in particular is a collection of some of the goodness (and badness) he’d heard in lectures throughout the years. Comments Off
Who’d've thought that working for The Corporation could be so rough. I still can’t use my computer account completely, there’s not much for me to do that’s really engineering-related, and the bureaucracy is in fine form, chugging along at “top” speed. Next post will be positive — I promise. Comments Off
As I was sitting in my car waiting for a train today, I got to thinking: Is it not ironic is it that Winnipeg, first started at the junction of two rivers and then turned into a rail hub has now been crisscrossed with streets and designed to drive everywhere?
Only in Winnipeg. Comments Off
Apple, you Rock! Mac OS X “Tiger” Server includes a weblog server based on Blojsom, and Safari 2 includes an RSS reader. Way to see the value in blogging and to provide built-in tools to let users focus on information instead of implementation. Comments Off
Friend and artist Eric Au has joined the blogsphere. I’m looking forward to many great thoughts and photos. Comments Off