
I finally received my passport today! Ooh, official documents… It feels like money, and it sure was worth a fair amount of it. For those of you who’ve travelled some, how long does it take a to fill up a page with entry and exit stamps? Do some countries only stamp on certain pages?

3 Responses to “Passport”

  1. Dan Says:

    Hey Steve – I got my passport today as well…. I just hope the damn thing works for the flight over to the Azores, etc…

  2. steev Says:

    “etc.” meaning Oxford? =)

  3. Joce Says:

    Hey Steev,

    Congrats on the passport! Passports are exciting things…..hope the picture isn’t as ghastly as mine turned out to be. Scaryness. so fug.

    About the stamps question- at any boarder crossing ,they just kind of open up the book and stamp it wherever , upside down, rightside up, etc. I am not sure how much travelling it would take to fill up a book (probably lots!) because those stamps are generally not big (size of a quater for some). In my current book, most of the stamps are from the US (bah!). Good luck filling up your book! :-)
