Archive for the 'Politics' Category
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Do not adjust your set. It seems as though the CBC will be forced to cut 800 jobs while the government considers baililng out private broadcasters. I haven’t been following this issue closely enough to provide insightful comments, but this is troubling for someone who feels the CBC provides a unique and valuable service to [...]
Posted in Goings On, Politics | Comments Off
Sunday, 26 October 2008
I guess I’m a little late on the uptake, as I just saw this article. It’s especially concerning for Australians, given that they have no constitutional or bill of rights guarantee of freedom of speech, unlike many other commonwealth countries and the United States.
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Tuesday, 8 April 2008
IMG_8460 (by sτενεωooδroω) The adventure to North Dakota to see the Democratic presidential candidates speak was a success. Obama was inspiring, and everyone in attendance was quite ecstatic. HRC spoke well too, and in great detail (for perhaps too long) — including “interesting” details on China, Saudi Arabia, and America as a moral leader in [...]
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Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Matt Good wrote a song back in 2003 called 21st Century Living. He included some lyrics on ambition: Ambition. Ambition’s a tricky thing. It’s like riding a unicycle on a dental floss tightrope over a wilderness of razor blades. Ambition can backfire. After watching the primaries yesterday, with John McCain solidifying his nomination and ready [...]
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Tuesday, 4 March 2008
CBC reports that only ~41% of Albertans voted in their provincial election yesterday. While Manitoba’s arguably not any better at 56.75% in our last election, it’s a little sad that such a low turnout gives a mandate to those who govern the economically-powerful, environmentally-careless, and growing-too-quickly Alberta. Perhaps the problem is the Elections Alberta slogan: [...]
Posted in As Found Elsewhere, Goings On, Politics | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) released a report yesterday that placed Canada on the same “Priority Watch List” as China and Russia for “…the serious piracy problem [Canada] has allowed to develop just across our border….” It was big enough news to make it on CBC News. At issue is the lack of implementation [...]
Posted in Fair Copyright, Politics | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
For the few who follow my blog, it’s probably no secret that I’ve become a huge fan of Lawrence Lessig. In his work on copyright and culture, and in his new shift to corruption, he has always been able to step back from the technical and the minutiae, and brilliantly and profoundly discuss the aspects [...]
Posted in As Found Elsewhere, Politics | Comments Off
Thursday, 31 January 2008
In the context of the debate over a Winnipeg waterpark (and its pushing forward despite so many other pressing priorities), I was curious about the etymology of the expression “bread and circuses”. Some wikipedia-ing turned this up, for those of you who are curious like me: …Already long ago, from when we sold our vote [...]
Posted in philosophia, Politics, Random Thoughts | Comments Off
Monday, 7 January 2008
What would Rudy do… to win an election? He would make a commercial that plays on the blind fear and hatred of some Americans. Or incites further anti-Muslim sentiment. Or perhaps even exploits the assassination of a Pakistani leadership hopeful to promote his agenda. “In a world where the next crisis is a moment away, [...]
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Saturday, 17 November 2007
Michael Geist reports that the new Tory copyright bill mentioned in the throne speech will be tabled in the coming weeks. Given the tone of its mention in the throne speech, as well as the pressure from various content lobbies and the US government (“Blame Canada!”), it’s quite possible that this new legislation will bear [...]
Posted in Fair Copyright, Politics | 1 Comment »