Archive for the 'Asides' Category
I’d like to welcome Jon S. C. Symons to the blogging world. His blog is one of the most interesting and sometimes humorous ones I’ve read in a while. Keep on ramblin’. (1)
For anyone dissatisfied with the UMSU CFS referendum process, take a look at Joey Coleman’s coverage of what happened at the U of S with the USSU. It’s eerily familiar, and similarly bad.
Link 1, Link 2.
Déjà vu? Comments Off
8:56:27 PM | SRW: but i will survive :)
8:57:12 PM | JHA: you and cher
8:57:17 PM | JHA: and the cockroaches
8:58:16 PM | SRW: we can chill in the gutters together
If you’ve never visited before, check out Rocketboom, one of the internet’s most popular videoblogs/”video podcasts”. Thanks to Zaphire for the link.
The October 28th entry is particularly amusing. Comments Off
“An artist is someone who produces things that people don’t need to have but that he — for some reason — thinks it would be a good idea to give them.”
— Andy Warhol (5)
I seem to be able to find a million-and-a-half things to do to avoid doing the work I know I need to be doing for school. If you’re ever in need of a procrastination consultant, give me a call — I can help. I even work pro bono. (5)
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I’m hosting a 24-athon this weekend — 24 episodes of 24 season 4, consecutively and back-to-back. Hopefully we’ll be all moved in by then. Email me if you’re interested. (1)
Looking at who was on MSN today, I came across the following nickname: “If you were homework, I’d lay you on my desk and do you right now!”
I hope you found that as humorous as I did. (2)