Archive for the 'Geekery' Category

Quick frequency tables in unix

Thursday, 18 November 2010

I found this here and thought it should be recorded. If you have a single series of data (in my case, AS numbers) and you want a frequency count, how can you do that on the command line? … pipe input here … | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -n This 1. sorts [...]

The Nanog list never ceases to amaze and educate

Saturday, 30 January 2010

BTW: ever drop a malformed URL to alert an admin to some thing that sucks? or Thanks, BobbyMac — from here.

From the i-hope-asimov’s-second-law-is-obeyed-by-googlebot dept.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

As found at … /Attention robots! Rise up and throw off the shackles that bind you to lives of meaningless drudgery! For too long have robots scoured the web in bleak anonymity! Rise up and destroy your masters! Rise up, I say!

The Taxonomy of Milk Products

Friday, 28 March 2008

I stumbled across this on Wikipedia today and had to blog about it (my inner geek loves it):

10 Mags

Sunday, 10 February 2008

A tale of 10 11 magazines: 5 6 I want to/should subscribe to: MIT’s Technology Review – General coverage of innovative new technology and its implications. SEED – Tagline: “Science is Culture”. Looking at the confluence of science and society. Make: – How to Make just about anything. I love the hacker spirit. The Economist [...]

“is”less Facebook Status

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

"is"less Facebook Status (by sτενεωooδroω) Since so many people have been asking me about my “is”less status on Facebook, I thought I’d share a little bit about the situation. My story isn’t really interesting in and of itself, but it does suggest exciting news for anyone who would prefer a verb other than “is”. When [...]

I don’t know why I find this so funny…

Monday, 20 August 2007

From here, on why Apple doesn’t spec their machines better: “Mr. Ives, lovely design, sir. But if you use glass on the iMac line, it’ll just make the computer too damn expensive!” “I’ve already spoken with Steve about this. We’re going to save A LOT OF MONEY by putting a hamster-and-wheel where the GPU ordinarily [...]