Archive for December, 2005

Been doing some reading…

Thursday, 29 December 2005

Thanks to Jane, I’ve been introduced to the joy of literature that is Kurt Vonnegut’s writings. They’re slightly absurd, edgy, slightly amusing, and complete with illustrations. This, for example, is my impression of what Mr. Vonnegut might draw in one of his novels: It’s a book, a collection of papers covered in ink printing and [...]

Positive Feedback

Sunday, 18 December 2005

This is what Ryan sent our E3 Crew (Jane, Chris, Dennis, Travis, Paul, Mark, Marc, Petar, Yuri, etc.), as they needed some positive feedback before into the exam. Extremely hilarious. Unfortunately, positive feedback leads to only one thing — instability. I hope they can keep things together for the exam. =) And now this reminds [...]

In daylight, in sunsets, in midnights and cups of coffee…

Sunday, 11 December 2005

"How do you measure, measure a year?" It’s kind of funny how your perspective of time changes according to what’s happening in your life. Come exam time, you (or at least I do) tend to measure the days in terms of time left to study. It’s not early Sunday morning right now — it’s 3 [...]