Archive for the 'Literary Pursuits' Category

Manitoban Op-Ed: Fight For Your (Copy)Right

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

My op-ed on fair copyright made it into this week’s Manitoban, the University of Manitoba student newspaper. It should be in campus newsstands tomorrow. A direct link will be added when available; in the mean time, Check out the article on the The Manitoban Online, or read on: FIGHT FOR YOUR (COPY)RIGHT | Protecting Canadians [...]

Been doing some reading…

Thursday, 29 December 2005

Thanks to Jane, I’ve been introduced to the joy of literature that is Kurt Vonnegut’s writings. They’re slightly absurd, edgy, slightly amusing, and complete with illustrations. This, for example, is my impression of what Mr. Vonnegut might draw in one of his novels: It’s a book, a collection of papers covered in ink printing and [...]

The Human Factor

Sunday, 21 August 2005

While in Portugal, Dan and I happened to bring and read the same book, Kim Vicente’s The Human Factor. It turned into a bit of a humorous rivalry as to who was reading faster and who was going to finish first, but we ended up finishing nearly at the same time (Dan did beat me). [...]