Archive for the 'Random Thoughts' Category

Winter on the prairie

Monday, 19 January 2009

I read the following in the Globe & Mail on the way back to Boston—rather appropriate after having spent 2 weeks in Winnipeg: In the winter the beauty is even stronger. The Prairies eliminate the obviousness of a horizon and leave the traveller with the magnificence of an infinite blank page, land blending with sky. [...]

Note to self

Friday, 21 November 2008

I think I might blog more if I didn’t feel so bad about smaller posts: see format of Daring Fireball.

Notes from the past

Thursday, 14 August 2008

I discovered the following while cleaning up my room — I think it’s notes that were supposed to turn into a blog post at some point after Dan, Paulo and I saw House of Wax. Better late than never, I suppose: worst… movie… ever… Walked out of House of Wax. B-movie tendencies Reference to Paris Hilton [...]

Gregoire blogs on the UMSU Elections

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Friend and 2003-04 UMSU VP candidate Dana Gregoire is guest blogging for The Manitoban during the UMSU Election. I’m so excited — I love witty analysis of sketch-tacular student politics.

Thou shalt have no other potters before me

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Too funny: Source:; copied from this URL (I could not link to it directly, but believe this constitutes fair dealing). I especially like the “scar-shaped” crack in the jug…

10 Mags

Sunday, 10 February 2008

A tale of 10 11 magazines: 5 6 I want to/should subscribe to: MIT’s Technology Review – General coverage of innovative new technology and its implications. SEED – Tagline: “Science is Culture”. Looking at the confluence of science and society. Make: – How to Make just about anything. I love the hacker spirit. The Economist [...]

Being a Better Blogger

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

You might have noticed that I’m getting back in the blogging saddle again. It’s part of what I plan to write more about at a later date (and actually work towards as well) — taking an iterative approach to life. That is, instead of always trying to get it right the first time, just do [...]

On the origins of “bread and circuses”

Thursday, 31 January 2008

In the context of the debate over a Winnipeg waterpark (and its pushing forward despite so many other pressing priorities), I was curious about the etymology of the expression “bread and circuses”. Some wikipedia-ing turned this up, for those of you who are curious like me: …Already long ago, from when we sold our vote [...]

Living in a single-serving society

Monday, 28 January 2008

A trip through the local Walmart today was a bit concerning. When you run into products such as the Betty Crocker Warm Delights single serving microwavable brownie, complete with a cardboard enclosure and a plastic dish, or Tassimo green tea discs for single serving instant tea, I worry about the future. Especially the tea. Is [...]