Archive for the 'philosophia' Category

Being a Better Blogger

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

You might have noticed that I’m getting back in the blogging saddle again. It’s part of what I plan to write more about at a later date (and actually work towards as well) — taking an iterative approach to life. That is, instead of always trying to get it right the first time, just do [...]

On the origins of “bread and circuses”

Thursday, 31 January 2008

In the context of the debate over a Winnipeg waterpark (and its pushing forward despite so many other pressing priorities), I was curious about the etymology of the expression “bread and circuses”. Some wikipedia-ing turned this up, for those of you who are curious like me: …Already long ago, from when we sold our vote [...]

“If not us, then who?”

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Lawrence Lessig, founder of the Creative Commons, Stanford law professor, and copyright scholar, has turned his attention to corruption resulting from the influence of money and its impact on the decisions made by government, etc. He presents a strong and compelling first lecture on the subject here. Perhaps the most important thing we can take [...]