Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

A slight update…

Thursday, 26 October 2006

The blog’s been silent as life grinds on, and I’m sorry — regular updates will have to wait until life eases at least slightly. In the mean time, a photo of the physical incarnation of a bunch of work I’ve been doing (in part) for our final year design project. Catch you on the flip [...]

…into the dark…

Tuesday, 11 October 2005

…You and me have seen everything to see From Bangkok to Calgary And the soles of your shoes are all worn down The time for sleep is now It’s nothing to cry about Cause we’ll hold each other soon… — I Will Follow You Into The Dark / Death Cab For Cutie

Off to the Açores, see you in three weeks…

Thursday, 14 July 2005

I’m going on hiatus for the next three weeks (not that you the reader noticed — it’s been longer than that since my last update). I’m headed to the Açore Islands in Portugal with Paulo Fernandes (and his parents) and Dan Lussier to have a bit of a vacation. Follow us on our travels…

What’s on your iTunes “Top 25 Most Played” list?

Tuesday, 5 July 2005

This is probably an incredibly cliché meme, but I haven’t seen it and thought it might be interesting to see what we all can’t get enough of, musically speaking. Without further ado: Song / Artist / Album / Playcount Blast Off / Weezer / B-Sides And Rarities / 34 Smoke (Strings) / Ben Folds Five [...]

More Photos To Feast Yours Eyes Upon

Sunday, 5 June 2005

I’m happy to announce that more photos have been uploaded to the Image Gallery. Take a look at the friends section for an awesome picture of Dan, Blane and Matt, as well as the long-awaited photos taken at Jane’s farewell party before she left for Tanzania. Enjoy!

Goodbye, Afi

Monday, 11 April 2005

David Gudmundson 1920-2005 Husband. Father of four. Afi of four more. This was the best picture I could find over the weekend, but I’ll have something better later.

A Juno Note

Monday, 4 April 2005

Did anyone notice that at the end of the Hip’s set yesterday, Gord sang a few lines from The Weakerthans’ Aside? And I’m leaning on a broken fence between past and present tense. And I’m losing all these stupid games that I swore I’d never play. And it almost feels okay. You guys are awesome.