Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Selling out for free!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Just kidding — I’m after a set of Matt Good tickets for his upcoming Cambridge MA show on April 3rd, and that’s certainly worth selling out for a little cross promotion:

He ain’t heavy…

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

I’m sure any young person growing up in Canada in the late 80s to early 90s remembers this ad, Rehab, featuring The Hollies’ hit “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother”. I just wanted to share it with those in my age group again, to tug on those heartstrings with a little bit of childhood.

I’m sort of a photographer… again…

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Having received a digital SLR as a graduation gift from my kind parents, I’m trying to get back into photography after a ~4 year hiatus since I last truly hoisted a camera (see Fujichrome — the film, Fujichrome Velvia, I used back then). Take a look at this mini-gallery to see a sample of what I’ve [...]

Manitoba Election – University PSE Policy

Thursday, 17 May 2007

As leader of the engineering student council this past year, I can certainly say that post-secondary education (PSE, a provincial government matter) is perhaps my single biggest concern of the current provincial election. Unfortunately I don’t think the same can be said for most Manitobans (who probably cite health care, crime and taxes as their [...]

UMSU General Election – Candidates List

Saturday, 10 February 2007

The UMSU General Election is coming up. Campaigning begins on February 19th, and voting runs from February 28th-March 2nd. In the interest of disseminating information about the status of the upcoming election to University of Manitoba students and others, here is the UMSU General Election Candidate’s List as copied from a notice on the door [...]

UMSU General Election – Referendum Questions

Saturday, 10 February 2007

In conjunction with the UMSU General Election, an UMSU referendum is taking place on the topic of UMSU fee increases for the purpose of funding some of the UMSU/campus groups. There are 3 questions, as follows: 1) Should there be a $0.70 regular session ($0.35 per term) fee increase per student, with said amount donated [...]