I’m sort of a photographer… again…
Having received a digital SLR as a graduation gift from my kind parents, I’m trying to get back into photography after a ~4 year hiatus since I last truly hoisted a camera (see Fujichrome — the film, Fujichrome Velvia, I used back then). Take a look at this mini-gallery to see a sample of what I’ve captured thus far — pretty much everyday-life types of things, some perhaps in a different perspective.
This was also an opportunity to try out Apple’s Aperture product for post-processing digital images (particularly “RAW” images from digital SLRs). It’s really easy to use, keeps things simple, and definitely makes things smoother than using Photoshop for each image, but it slowly chugs along on my now 2-year-old laptop. It would definitely need a new Intel Mac to do it justice.
So, take a look and let me know what you think. Suffice it to say I’ve got a lot more work ahead of me.
June 21st, 2007 at 9:53 pm
Mini-gallery looks good. You might also want to play around with Adobe Lightroom, its on the same playing field as Aperture. I’ve found it works really nicely.