Archive for the 'Geekery' Category

Try the new, longer-lasting

Tuesday, 16 August 2005

After much effort on many people’s parts — especially these two — the brand new, new and improved, longer-lasting with less aftertaste has finally arrived. Bask in it’s glory, and bask regularly for it will be improving and evolving as the year goes on.

The guys who created UNIX must think they’re pretty clever

Sunday, 3 July 2005

While going through the available commands in Mac OS X 10.4, I found some interesting ones… amaze – wander around in a maze bison – GNU Project parser generator (a replacement for yacc) lipo – create or operate on ‘fat’ files yes – (be a yes man…) repetitively output ‘y’ (or an expletive of your [...]

Big Al Arrives

Tuesday, 24 May 2005

After all the waiting and calling and emailing and waiting and waiting, I finally received my long awaited Powerbook on Friday. Thank you, Apple! Unfortunately, Apple has neglected to provide any information or procedure on how to ship my iBook back to them. Looks like it’s time for more calling and emailing, and hopefully less [...]

Today I write an epitaph for white plastic

Friday, 22 April 2005

As I pulled the RAM and Airport card out of my iBook and erased its hard drive yesterday, I was feeling a little sad. Despite all the trouble caused by my little friend, he was still a very handy tool throughout the past two years, and I’d grown attached. He stuck with me through thick [...]

More on

Thursday, 14 April 2005

In my last post about the new U of M website, I gave the new look of the site a rough review. While I still stand behind what I wrote, I now realize that I didn’t focus much at all on what was done well with the new design. The Good The new look is [...]

An Apple A Day…

Thursday, 14 April 2005

Apple has finally seen the light and has agreed that my iBook needs to be replaced. It will be a “like for like” replacement with whatever Apple currently has in stock. That means a 12-inch iBook G4 with the 60GB hard disk upgrade. However, I’m not stuck with the iBook G4. I can take it’s [...]