In daylight, in sunsets, in midnights and cups of coffee…

"How do you measure, measure a year?"

It’s kind of funny how your perspective of time changes according to what’s happening in your life. Come exam time, you (or at least I do) tend to measure the days in terms of time left to study.

It’s not early Sunday morning right now — it’s 3 days until my Algorithms final, and 5 days until Communications. It’s also 10 days until EBC… the light at the end of the tunnel.

3 Responses to “In daylight, in sunsets, in midnights and cups of coffee…”

  1. KT Says:

    I would me a remiss former theatre camper if I did not tell you …

    Measure in Love!

    But I know understand that feeling – I exerience something similar … time marches steadfastly towards exams, and exams only …

  2. Stina Says:

    And just as Katie would be damned for not completing the reference, I can’t help but mention:

    Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
    I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;

    I’m sure you can do better than J. Alfred.

    Good luck on Algorithms and Communications…and enjoy the countdown to EBC. Everyday’s one day closer.

  3. Paulo Says:

    I might not be quite as elegant but perhaps I can suggest the use of a ruler. I heard there is a deal happening at Staples. You know. . . the metal ones with the cork on them. Very nice and they come in a variety of lengths. Solid!