Positive Feedback

This is what Ryan sent our E3 Crew (Jane, Chris, Dennis, Travis, Paul, Mark, Marc, Petar, Yuri, etc.), as they needed some positive feedback before into the exam.

Extremely hilarious.

Unfortunately, positive feedback leads to only one thing — instability. I hope they can keep things together for the exam. =)

And now this reminds me of a joke I’ve heard before, the likes of which I would hope Dr. Oliver would tell in his E3 exam prep talk that he infallibly gives:

When the first airport was built in Poland, the planes kept going down for unexplained reasons. Nobody could figure out what the hell was wrong, and everything seemed to be in perfect order, so they decided to call for an engineer.

The guy came in, did his rounds around the plane, and then stepped on. The engineer announced that before the next departure, he would like everybody from Czechoslovakia on the right side, and everybody from Poland on the left. After that, the planes never had any problems.

When asked how he did it, the engineer replied, “It’s simple. You kept trying to put poles on the right hand plane.”

One Response to “Positive Feedback”

  1. Paulo Says:

    Oh my god! That was possibly the funniest joke I’ve heard in a good while. Well done. The positive feedback was also über entertaining.