Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Blogging is not a good substitute for sleep (random thoughts)

Wednesday, 12 January 2005

I need to learn to take an iterative approach to life (I will discuss that interesting philosophy at a later time). I’m often so bent on doing things right the first time that some things, even important things, never get done at all. I feel like I’m careening down life’s highway at a billion km/h [...]

Bens-ing it Up

Friday, 7 January 2005

My collection of Ben Folds EPs from Attacked By Plastic arrived yesterday, and are amazingly awesome. Speed Graphic, Sunny 16 and Super D are all quite good, as is The Bens EP, a collaborative effort by Ben Lee, Ben Kweller and Ben Folds. Smile / Like you’ve got nothing to prove No matter what you [...]

Thanks, Microsoft!

Tuesday, 4 January 2005

I took a good look at with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 yesterday, and I must say that I feel sorry for the people who use this browser on a daily basis. May I suggest: , the super fast, more secure, open source browser available for most computing platforms?

Off The Hizook

Saturday, 1 January 2005

Happy New Year, one and all! 2004 was an interesting year (as they all are), and I hope yours went (and went out) well. A year of adventures and amazing potential is upon us! Make the most of your 2005. Cheers!

Hey All, I’m In Toronto

Thursday, 30 December 2004

I’m doing my best to take and upload pictures of the Toronto goings on as they happen. Click on the link below to see pictures of the current goings on. Adventures In T.O. In Pictures

Bookstore Atmosphere

Wednesday, 29 December 2004

I absolutely love the atmosphere inside a bookstore. The faint yet delicious smells of coffee mixed with new paper and ink. The dull hum of other customers, staff and equipment that fades away but prevents lonely silence. The myriad of covers, each unique and appealing to nearly every facet of one’s visual sense. These walls [...]

Gifting Extravaganza

Tuesday, 28 December 2004

Time to brush the dust off the journal… It’s time to give some thanks for the most wonderful gifts I received this holiday season… Katie: Thanks for the buckwheat neck pillow (very helpful for car rides to Arborg) and the Clods! Laura: Thanks for the fleece blanket (it’s already been put to good use)! I [...]

Exam Update (Vanquishing Complete)

Monday, 20 December 2004

Yes, it’s that time of year again. This wonderful term had to come to an end sooner or later, and exams are now in full force. Vanquished: [cut="See a list of the vanquished"] (10 Dec. 2004) (14 Dec. 2004) (15 Dec. 2004) (16 Dec. 2004) … and believe me, it was UML hell. (20 Dec. [...]

Sticking it to The Man (Tip #1)

Friday, 17 December 2004

As I attempted to execute the “perfect pump” at the local 7-11 gas bar (and failed miserably I might add – $25.01), a good friend from high school let me in on one of the lesser known techniques used to stick it to The Man whilst filling up self-serve style. I felt that this should [...]

Update from the Trenches

Tuesday, 14 December 2004

Looks like I shall be headed to Toronto after Christmas after all – just not for Congress itself. “Pre-Congress” should be a fun time and provide more interesting New Year celebrations than ‘Peg City can offer. Itinerary (thus far): Fly to Toronto the evening of the 29th, arriving at ~12am on the 30th. Wait until [...]