Blogging is not a good substitute for sleep (random thoughts)

I need to learn to take an iterative approach to life (I will discuss that interesting philosophy at a later time).
I’m often so bent on doing things right the first time that some things, even important things, never get done at all.

I feel like I’m careening down life’s highway at a billion km/h with a roadmap scribbled on the back of a napkin and smeared by a carelessly placed glass. The billboards along the highwayside advertise interesting possibilities ahead – just take an exit. I seem to be convinced that my vehicle has no reverse gear and a finite amount of gas, which are both of course absurd. Yet in the midst of careening, the reality gives in to absurdity as I’m kept busy trying to figure out that map. Was I supposed to turn, or is that just the edge of the water ring? Don’t take that exit, it might not be the correct destination.

I’ll probably get to where I’m supposed to be, and will likely be late. However, it’s going to be one dull ride if one doesn’t stop more to stretch, smell the air, and explore. As the Zen say, “The journey is the reward.”

(And that concludes this horribly drawn out metaphor for so very many things. I’ll write something more upbeat next time.)

3 Responses to “Blogging is not a good substitute for sleep (random thoughts)”

  1. tim Says:

    steve, you’re more poetic and lingustic than you let on ( or that I recall ). Perhaps you should keep a compilation of such thoughts and one day publish them.

  2. KT Says:


  3. Ali Says:

    There is a distinct lack of updates on this site…