Democratic Ambition
Matt Good wrote a song back in 2003 called 21st Century Living. He included some lyrics on ambition:
Ambition’s a tricky thing.
It’s like riding a unicycle on a dental floss tightrope over a wilderness of razor blades.
Ambition can backfire.
After watching the primaries yesterday, with John McCain solidifying his nomination and ready to focus on the presidential campaign, the Democratic candidates ought to reconsider their personal ambition for the good of their country.
The current “civil war” between Democrats, without an end in sight, is surely the GOP’s dream come true. After all, the longer the Democratic Party remains fractured, the longer that McCain will have time to slag both candidates and strengthen his own party.
In an election where so many claim to want change, personal ambition will need to be set aside sooner than later, lest the unthinkable occur — another Republican president.
Around here, our ambition hurts more than it helps.
And in case you’re wondering, I know which candidate I’m hoping will concede and pledge their support.
March 5th, 2008 at 9:56 pm
The bitch won’t die.