Archive for the 'Asides' Category
Check this out: the Eggcorn database. What exactly is an eggcorn, you may ask? An eggcorn is the confusion of two different but similar-sounding words in a phrase or cliché. For example, turning “role model” into “roll model”. Comments Off
“Happy Birthday!” goes out to electronics demigod Mike Mackay who turned 23 today. No rez night at WiseGuys wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
ETA: Only Molson products? WTF, mate? Comments Off
I’ve added new functionality called “asides” to my weblog (this block of content you are reading is an aside.) It lets me mention something on the weblog without creating a full-blown post about it.
As another aside, let me know what you think of the new design… (1)
Interesting reading passed along by Mike Froese: The American Physical Society wrote a report in 2003 discussing the feasibility of boost-phase ICBM interception. A more readable magazine summary is also available here. They’re not overly optimistic. Comments Off
Puzzle Alarm Clock. This is exactly what I need to actually get me up in the morning: you need to solve a jigsaw puzzle before you can shut off the alarm. I imagine pulling the batteries out of the device would be an easier puzzle to solve in my just-woken state. Comments Off