In need of a dream…

It’s time for a change. I need something to dream about, to be excited about, to wonder about the possibilities. All I see right now is the end of things, the need to finish things up, tie up the loose ends, and prepare to close one of life’s chapters, all while being more stressed than ever before. I thought it would be a good idea to take a bit of time away from school once I was finished, to decompress and figure out what to do with myself. But now it just feels like I have nothing to shoot for. No exciting job, grad school prospect, or upcoming adventure, because I haven’t even looked that far ahead. I always thought that I didn’t live in the moment enough, and was always looking ahead at the next thing. Maybe I’m more correct than I ever could have imagined — maybe that’s what has kept me going this far.

That’s enough introspection for now. Back to the life at the moment.

2 Responses to “In need of a dream…”

  1. Lindsay Says:

    I agree, a dream, even an unrealistic one is very important to keep one’s imagination and motivation alive. Do take some time for yourself and find one. Hopefully one will strike you sooner rather than later.

    By the way, your introspective posts are by far the most interesting. I find one person’s introspection is often applicable to many others. Keep ‘em coming.

  2. Leah Says:

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one thinking this…