Another Day, Another Design

As reading week comes to a close, my weblog has seen almost a complete overhaul for the better. Even those of you with RSS aggregators will have to step back into the web world,, to see the new design.

An upgrade to WordPress 1.5 got the party started. I’d like to send a big thanks and many kudos out to the WordPress development team. The back-end interface has been cleaned up significantly, and everything has an overall smoother feel to it. WP is amazing blog software, and 1.5 continues to rock more socks.

With the upgrade to 1.5 came a new default template, which I decided to go with instead of returning to the blue-green old days. The new template is called Kubrick presumably after Stanley Kubrick. It’s a nice, clean look that offers a lot of white space and isn’t too monochromatic. I added a new header image as well, which I’m rather pleased with.

The header image is a photo I took almost 3 years ago on Marion in the block west of the 7-11, where it’s still a one-way. The person with the camera and tripod is none other than Tim Dyck, one of my closest friends from high school. (We used to do a lot of night photography, but this one of Tim is quite possibly the best of the bunch.) I will admit to photoshopping the image to reduce the background distraction, but the photo was otherwise one single shot — no superimposing involved.

FInally, I added asides courtesy of Matt Mullenweg, one of the key WordPress developers. Matt uses asides on his site for various links he wants to share with the world, but I’m not sure what my plan is for these yet. I think they will likely be used as they already have been below to capture thoughts and links that are interesting but not worthy of an entire post. Only time will tell how this results.

So that’s where this blog is at for the moment. Please let me know what you think of the new layout (that’s what comments are for), and if anything doesn’t look right. I already know things look a bit funked up in IE6, but I’d rather you fix it instead of me (it’s a cop-out, I know).

I hope you continue to enjoy the same old ramblings in their stylish new digs.

3 Responses to “Another Day, Another Design”

  1. laura Says:

    pretty layout, though the way that the eng pi throw banner is squished is not so pretty. otherwise, very nice!

  2. steev Says:

    Good eye Laura, and thanks very much. Problem solved.

  3. Stina Says:

    Gorgeous photo – that’s one of your own? It’s fantastic! I know shit-all about web-design, but I like what you’ve done. Very pretty.