A dark slide from Polaroid-compatible instant film sold by The Impossible Project.
Basically the darkslide is a purely technical necessity, protecting the film from light as long as it is outside the camera. Impossible is converting the darkslides in collector cards by transforming them into an area to present art projects. On a regular basis we will invite artists to develop refreshing, creative and inspiring content that turns the Impossible Darkslides into unique pieces of art.
You can see all 123 dark slides here.
Images from The Impossible Project.
]]>sort --debug
option. It places “underlines” under the portion of the key used to perform the sort, which is very helpful when you’re trying to figure out why sort is acting the way it is.
You can see in the snippets below the original file and two sorts of that file.
woodrow@woodrow-x200:~/tmp$ cat sort_test
The first sort, below, uses a numeric sort (-n) which extracts the first part of the value that looks like a decimal number and uses that as the sort key. You can see this in the first underline beneath each entry. It then performs a sort of last resort on the entire value, which you can see as the second underline beneath each entry.
woodrow@woodrow-x200:~/tmp$ /home/woodrow/bin/sort -n --debug sort_test /home/woodrow/bin/sort: using simple byte comparison ____ ________ ___ _______ ___ _______ ____ ________ ____ ________ ____ ________ ____ ________ ____ ________ ____ ________ ____ ________ ____ ________
The second sort, below, also uses a numeric sort (-n), with the key shown by the underline. However, this sort is a stable sort (-s) meaning that it doesn’t perform a sort of last resort on the entire value. This preserves the input ordering of values which have the same key, which is why this sort is “stable” in computer science parlance.
woodrow@woodrow-x200:~/tmp$ /home/woodrow/bin/sort -n -s --debug sort_test /home/woodrow/bin/sort: using simple byte comparison ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____]]>
US NGS benchmarks, from this publication.
]]>A current sample of visualization of thesis data — in this case, the CIDR Report. Vertical position on the graph reflects ranking on the CIDR Report.
]]>If you have a single series of data (in my case, AS numbers) and you want a frequency count, how can you do that on the command line?
... pipe input here ... | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -n
This 1. sorts incoming data as required by uniq, 2. outputs the unique keys and their frequency of occurrence, sorted by the key in lexicographical order, and 3. resorts the output by the frequency of occurrence in descending order, leaving you with something like:
$ grep -P " 33363$" rib.20101113.txt | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -n
1558 11686 317 3549 310 852 310 3130 162 8492 162 8001 162 7660 162 7018 162 701 162 6762 162 5413 162 5056 162 3356 162 3257 162 31500 162 2905 162 286 162 13030 162 1299 156 6939 155 812 155 6539 155 3561 155 293 155 2914 155 2497 155 2152 155 1668 155 1239 155 1221 76 3303
Where the first column is the frequency and the second column is the unique key in the source data stream.
]]>And it says Univers. As seen in Montréal.
]]>At risk of the blog becoming stale already, I thought I’d fall back on some older material of mine. Back in the summer of 2007 I worked in a semiconductor research fab lab. Everything was pretty much focused on the engineering, and yet there were unintentionally beautiful things to be found here and there. Like the brilliant colors on wafers caused by thin-film interference in the silicon dioxide we grew and later etched, or the patterns created by rows of copper and stainless steel gas tubing that snaked outside of the cleanroom, delivering vital gasses to the equipment therein. I brought a camera in one day to capture some of this unintentional beauty.
This photo captures the perfectly flat, mirror-like surface of a set of freshly cleaned wafers in a quartz boat, waiting to be loaded into an oxidation furnace. The no-lint wipe that the boat is sitting on becomes very interesting with the depth of field. The red dot on the wafers is from a power-on lamp on a sputtering machine behind the camera.
While perhaps not exactly traditionally form+function, I thought this ad was interesting. Perhaps a subtle joke from some conservative-leaning ad agency? I don't think the function of this scene is the type of self-expression that most protestors are interested in.
]]>No, I’m not trading mortgage foreclosures as securities. This is the
start of a little project inspired by @lisawilliams about tracking
long-term “news” events via unconventional means. News as a stock
ticker? News as a signal?