steev's thoughts » Goings On Inside the mind of steev. Sat, 25 Jun 2011 02:04:47 +0000 en hourly 1 What’s wrong with this picture? Wed, 25 Mar 2009 17:58:56 +0000 Steve Woodrow Do not adjust your set. It seems as though the CBC will be forced to cut 800 jobs while the government considers baililng out private broadcasters. I haven’t been following this issue closely enough to provide insightful comments, but this is troubling for someone who feels the CBC provides a unique and valuable service to Canadians, nevermind propping up existing business models.

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Letter Of The Day Sun, 09 Mar 2008 10:16:20 +0000 Steve Woodrow W00t! My letter to the WFP about Jim Rondeau’s comments on the ZENN and hydrogen fuel cells got printed in Saturday’s Free Press, and as the “Letter Of The Day”, no less:

Go electric

Re: Province looks at more fuel efficiency rebates, March 5.

Minister Jim Rondeau needs to look beyond the “hydrogen fuel cell” sound bite for tractable solutions that can succeed in reducing emissions and non-renewable energy consumption in our province. However, he need not look very far.

Manitoba, with our wealth of relatively clean hydroelectric energy, is well poised to use electricity as a clean, renewable energy source for our vehicles. Researchers at Manitoba Hydro and the University of Manitoba have been studying plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) that are charged via the power grid like electric vehicles, but have added range provided by a gasoline hybrid engine. Further, while the ZENN electric vehicle may not be an ideal car for all Manitobans, the introduction of these vehicles in Manitoba would be an important first step in changing public perceptions of electric vehicles.

If our province wishes to “See Green” and take a leadership role in promoting low- and no-emission vehicles, it does not have to rely on exotic and inefficient technologies like hydrogen. The products and technologies necessary to take an important first step in improving vehicle emissions in Manitoba are close at hand. What we need now is the political will of Minister Rondeau and our government to see such initiatives through.


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~41% voter turnout in Alberta Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:26:10 +0000 Steve Woodrow CBC reports that only ~41% of Albertans voted in their provincial election yesterday. While Manitoba’s arguably not any better at 56.75% in our last election, it’s a little sad that such a low turnout gives a mandate to those who govern the economically-powerful, environmentally-careless, and growing-too-quickly Alberta.

Perhaps the problem is the Elections Alberta slogan:
“Vote… it’s inexcusably easy!”

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I might just be in Boston in the fall Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:45:32 +0000 Steve Woodrow
MIT Admissions Letter (by sτενεωooδroω)

When I first received this, I wasn’t going to mention anything online as I thought it might seem pretentious. Perhaps it still does seem pretentious, but:

1) This is too exciting not to mention, and

2) This is probably the easiest way to let everyone who is interested know.

So that’s all for now. The next big thing will be finding a research assistantship to cover tuition and living expenses, but I’m quite hopeful that I will be able to find something suitable. And then I will be in Boston next fall.

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Snowshoeing on film Mon, 18 Feb 2008 05:02:10 +0000 Steve Woodrow From our adventure to La Barriere park in the beautiful Saturday weather:

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One Less Starbucks Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:09:56 +0000 Steve Woodrow
One Less Starbucks (by JakeInVan)

An excellent photo by a Vancouverite of an explosion that ripped through a Starbucks early this morning in the 600 block of West Broadway. It’s pretty incredible — look at the Starbucks furniture, etc. littering the sidewalk.

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Zellweger’s Set? Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:27:56 +0000 Steve Woodrow
Faux Fishing Shacks (by sτενεωooδroω)

While snowshoeing today, a couple of friends and I stumbled upon the following installation on Kingfisher Lake in Birds Hill Park, MB. All signs point to it being a movie set, which seems like it could be related to Renee Zellweger’s movie Chilled in Miami that is being filmed in Winnipeg. If this is the case, apparently this is supposed to be rural Minnesota.

It is for reasons like this that I’m really getting into snowshoeing — it lets you go places that aren’t accessible in warmer months, and I seem to see something interesting or unexpected every time I head out (perhaps related to this new perspective).

Check out the rest of our photos here.

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Fair Copyright Winnipeg/MB Group Meetup Mon, 28 Jan 2008 20:08:02 +0000 Steve Woodrow Six members of the Winnipeg/MB chapter of Fair Copyright for Canada met on Saturday for a solid session of discussing the various aspects of copyright law in Canada, and brainstorming how we want to take action locally. Stay tuned for the activities and efforts that will come out of the ideas developed at this meeting.

Join the group if you want to get involved in taking action locally.

Michael Tyas created this great video of us explaining why we are concerned about copyright in Canada:

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The Fine Art of Falling Apart Thu, 04 Oct 2007 19:06:16 +0000 Steve Woodrow
Winnipeg (by matthewgood)

This photo is from Matthew Good’s highly enjoyable show Friday night at the Garrick, taken by MG himself. I like that the projection windows from the former movie theatre are still lit in the back.

So, a bit of a rant — what’s up with all the loogans at shows like the Weakerthans and on Friday at Matt Good? If you’ve ever been to a Tragically Hip or similar show, you’ll know who I’m talking about. The guys who are always getting up for beer and end up getting half-cut at a show they’re paying $40+ to see, talking loudly, hooting and yelling at the band to play Highway Girl. In general, a massive distraction for those who actually value hearing the music and stage banter as part of the concert experience.

Well, unfortunately the loogans are now attending more accoustically-driven shows where the volume of their collective yelling is actually starting to become competitive with the volume of the PA. At one point during a break in show while MG was taking a drink and talking, and the loogans started hollering, MG (in his typical sense of humor) suggested that they entertain the crowd instead, and he just keep on drinking. At least it probably wasn’t as bad as Sault Ste. Marie, but still very annoying.

So, please, if you want to go drink lots of beer and yell out requests, stay at home with your friends and your iPod — it’s far cheaper, and you actually might get to hear the songs you’re requesting — that is if you can figure out how to work an iPod. Maybe try yelling “Born To Kill” at it? If you’re loud enough, it might listen to you…

Those of us who go to shows to hear the musicians

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Danger, Will Robinson! Thu, 10 Aug 2006 00:15:15 +0000 Steve Woodrow A group of students (Pegasus Aircraft Group) from York University wants to build the next generation of short-haul jetliner, beating Airbus and Boeing to the punch, through the efforts of approximately 10,000 undergraduates from across Canada.

This plane is supposed to include:

  • Full composite airframe and fuselage
  • Narrower wingspan than either the B737 or the A320
  • Engines designed in-house featuring hydrogen peroxide oxidizing agent
  • Fly-by-wire avionics system

What’s the catch? You have to pay $100 for the “privilege” of becoming a contractor, after which you receive one share and $50 back at the end of the year. If you wish to participate for another year, it’s another $100, and the process repeats.

I hate to rain on peoples’ parades, but I wouldn’t go near this one, either as an investor or a student. Unfortunately it was mailed out to many of the Engineering schools across Canada — I hope people aren’t too gullible.

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